Talk: Ink reciprocities, June 2023

Pigments Revealed International is hosting its second biannual Pigments Revealed Symposium, June 21-24, 2023
The schedule is yet to be finalized, but is all online and the talks are recorded so you can watch them anytime.

This year they have three themes: human history, natural history and praxis. While each of these themes include a variety of subtopics like archaeology and anthropology in human history, our focus is  bringing the past into the present to create a better future. Many of the discussions will focus on our past and present behaviors with pigments, including discussions about Indigenous pigment technologies, and how we can reduce our impact on the environment and the sustainability of continuing to extract and manufacture pigments.

I am looking forward to sharing my work with tree pigments with this incredible community of color loving pigment makers and learning so much from all of them.

How can artists create invitations into reciprocity with the more-than-human world?  How can pigment making from natural materials open us up to new ways of sensing and knowing our plant kin?   As we move ever deeper into the Capitolocene epoch, how can we reorient our relationship with the plants around us to make together a future that is just and equitable for all beings?   As Hemlocks disappear from our northeastern landscapes, where they were once plentiful, can their voice speak to future generations through ink made from Hemlock bark?  Can the process of ink making itself be an invitation into a slow, futuring, spiralic deep connectedness to our local ecologies?  Jane D. Marsching will share her work with tree pigments in recent public projects that circle around all these questions through participatory communal gatherings and slow ink making.


Earthkeepers Handbook, March 2023


Sylvan Oracle Gatherings fall 2023